Anthea Indira Ong

Called to Coaching. A Becoming. 

I believe each of us is called to greatness. If we are open to the unknown whilst steering awkwardly towards this personal greatness. I made that choice to undock from the safe harbour of the known many years back and am thankful for the learnings that have come with the exhilarating journey of the new and real, pain and joy. I now know that I can celebrate failures with myself as openly as my successes are being celebrated by others. I am still a work-in-progress but I am becoming a better piece of work.

18 years ago, the rug of life as I knew it was pulled right off from under me. And then the becoming to my purpose began....

"I think to know your purpose, you must first know you,

the real you."

The biggest weights have been shed from hundreds of conversations with myself – through journals, workshops, healing modalities, sacred circles of friends – to talk to my fears, my sufferings, my perspectives, my insecurities, my pain, my body, my successes and failures, etc. The lightness has come from within after the emotional unshackling from the ‘negatives’ that defined me, and ‘positives’ that seemed accidental and undeserving, augmented by the deluge of tears through this process. But at the same time, the lightness also comes from more light being let in with an expanded heart, nourished by the graciousness and love all around.  

"My purpose is to create and hold space for self-empowerment and personal transformation."

I strive to coach from my wounds. The wounds of mine have shaped me more than my achievements - in my ability to listen, to be empathetic and yet the knowing that we can be transformed to who we are as I have myself. It was also with the intention to see more transformation around me without the need to undergo such deep suffering that got me on the path of coaching. The deep understanding of what the emotions of fear, sadness, loss, pain feel like for my coachees allows me to coach and support from a place of authenticity and connectivity. My yoga and natural therapy training augments that support from an integrated whole-person vantage. 

I bring curiosity, tenderness and gentle irreverence to each coaching relationship with a deep compassion to serve the growth and change that the client strives for. It is an immense privilege to be part of a transformation journey and indescribably humbling and uplifting when a client awakens to a new knowing - a new way of being - and turns his/her life to one of awareness and choice. I am privileged to have learned from over 1,500 formal coaching hours and served over 40 clients to-date - from Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Philippines, Japan, France, Portugal, Spain, UK, USA. 

"I now live my purpose which is to give my gifts away."

I only do one-to-one coaching for now, not just because I have a sumptuous spread of other projects to take care of but also because its at this personal transformation level - one person at a time - that I hold the space well, and where I learn and create the most value, I think. So I must share that I need to therefore be selective of the coaching projects I take on and work with.. 

The coaching journey is a learning partnership for your change and growth to become the truest/best version of yourself. What does it look like? We explore and dive deep into your goal(s)/aspiration(s), with intention. We investigate what makes you see the world the way you do. We co-create new practices to support you to go where you want/are meant to go. Because we become what we practise. We expand your perspectives, and therefore possibilities of paths (actions/solutions), to your aspiration by exploring and making new connections between your body, emotions and language/mind. In short, it's guidance (coach/tools/techniques), empowerment (realisation of self worth and confidence) and improvement (practising to move from 'now' to 'be'). Each session is slated for an hour, typically weekly sessions (but not necessarily), and we commit to at least 8 weeks together for the initial engagement to give you the opportunity to practise the new learnings so they become your new habits.

My rates range from $350 to $500 per session, but I am open to discussing discounted, scholarship and barter options if you can't afford it.  

"We become what we practise, our repeated beingness."

I am coached by life's many wondrous twists and turns, trained by the most authentic and insightful coach extraordinaire Julio Ollala, and later Dr Dean Williams and Dr Otto Scharmer. And formally certified by Newfield Network and internationally accredited as a Professional Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation. 

​"Ontological coaching includes but also transcends knowledge and aims for wisdom. Wisdom is not what we know about the world; it is what the world discloses for us.  If knowledge can live in greed, wisdom can only live in gratitude.  If knowledge belongs to thought, wisdom belongs to soul.  If knowledge creates silos and divisions, wisdom integrates.  If knowledge is knowing about it, wisdom is being it. " - Julio Olalla, Founder, Newfield Network (my coach guru!)

Words Create Worlds by Anthea Ong 

The Practice of Silence by Anthea Ong 

I Think, Therefore I Am by Anthea Ong

"Anthea was professionally empathetic, and her affable disposition helps create a safe space for me to be vulnerably honest about myself. I recognized that without this, we would not be as successful in each session. Anthea was effective in the way she asked questions to uncover the core of a specific challenge/issue, and could help us see possibilities with examples and advise with specific tools or actions I can take to move from a space of fear/stuck to desired results." 

Senior Executive/Leading Service Culture Consulting Company 

"Anthea was meant to be there for me as I was struggling through a difficult period in my career.  We had lost touch for a great many years, and bumped into each other very unexpectedly at a junction!  A cross-road, how apt!   Anthea will push me to face my deeper feelings, she will push me to ensure congruence with heart and mind.  Many a time, when I was not able to anchor or articulate my thoughts, she would still be able to eventually draw out the “thing” that was bothering/ inhibiting me.  I am still very much a work-in-progress and our discussions is a constant source for my reflection.  Thank you Anthea!"

​​Principal Consultant/Major International Management Consultancy

"Anthea often says that she coaches from her wounds and I found this to be true. The depth of insight, intuition and empathy that she brings to the coaching relationship can only come from one who has walked the path. She patiently guides and facilitates, but never once has she ever imposed. Coming together with her during each session was like walking into a safe haven, where I get to articulate my thoughts without once feeling awkward nor judged. She is definitely instrumental in my transformational journey."​

Senior Lecturer/Tertiary Institution

"Anthea's like the water that you sprinkle on a flower that contributes and catalyses the bloom!"

Executive Director/Non-Profit

"The journey with Anthea has been a pivotal one for me. What I believed in the past as the only way towards a fruitful life has turned out to be the very source of my stress/misery. The self-awareness and mindfulness I learned from the coaching sessions has given me the strength to deal with the daily challenges of my life whilst searching for the 'true' me. Honestly, there's a lot of 'work' still to be done but I believe Anthea is always there to help me. Thank you, Anthea."

​​Director (IT)/Major Bank

"Anthea is passionate about helping others through ontological coaching (and in so many other ways), compassionate, broadly and widely experienced, caring and engaged."

Senior Executive/Exxon Mobil

"Each session, Anthea guides me to look deep into myself to find my own answers. With much wisdom and being incredibly intuitive, Anthea empowers me with tools to call upon my own inner strength. She is like a pair of invisible hands, being the most crucial support during this process of transformation that I undergo. I wish that many people looking for true transformation find their way to her."

​​Former NGO Director/Aspiring Social Entrepreneur

"I found Anthea to be an intuitive and positive facilitator who worked from a space of confidence, knowledge and good intentions. Through the sessions, I was guided safely to explore my own mind, thoughts and behaviour. These explorations provided insights on how I have been living my life and the things that are either helping or hindering what I wish to be.  The sessions have definitely helped to create a space for me to reflect on the path I wish to take on my journey."

Senior Healthcare Practitioner

"Through Anthea's sensitive guidance, I overcame several personal boundaries and emerged understanding myself better than I ever thought I would. Anthea's gift is her generosity, how fully she places the client at the center of the session, and her great balance of listening and proffering actionable, practical advice. I always left feeling supported and with a new tool in my "toolkit"."

Former Journalist/Senior Executive (A Major Ridesharing Company)

"Apart from being highly qualified and acutely intuitive, Anthea is very well-rounded and highly experienced to guide me through my myriad of issues and many emotional facets. She had the ability to lift up my spirits and help me find the solutions to my issues and concerns. Her accomplishments are impressive, she is truly an inspiring coach."

Private Banker/Director (Major US Banking Consultancy)